COPYRIGHT NOTICE: © 2000 Dr. Gerhard Leubner
Citation of this website:
Leubner G (actual year). The Seed Biology Place - http://www.seedbiology.eu

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The website "The Seed Biology Place" (www.seedbiology.eu and www.seedbiology.de) and all the materials published within the webpages of this site (i.e. all materials stored on this server) are protected by copyright unless not otherwise indicated. The copyright © for the webdesign and its elements (figures, programming, logo, text, ...) and materials belongs - if not stated differently - to Dr. Gerhard Leubner (gerhard.leubner@rhul.ac.uk). This entire website is the personal property of Dr. Gerhard Leubner. All its content is developed on my own time, on my own Macintosh computer with my own software and support hardware. This website is stored on a server of a commercial internet service provider and the costs for this are payed with my own private money. This website is not stored on a University server and neither has the University any rights of ownership nor has the University any liability or responsibility for the content of these pages or any links to external websites.
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Suggestions for hyperlinks, topics, publications as well as critisism and reporting of errors are very welcome.