Plant Molecular Biology 73: 67-87 (2010)

Cross-species approaches to seed dormancy and germination: conservation and biodiversity of ABA-regulated mechanisms and the Brassicaceae DOG1 genes

Kai Graeber • Ada Linkies • Kerstin Müller • Andrea Wunchova • Anita Rott • Gerhard Leubner-Metzger

Botany / Plant Physiology, Institute for Biology II, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg, Schänzlestr. 1, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany, Web: 'The Seed Biology Place' (K.G., A.L., K.M., A.R., G.L.-M.)
Department of Cell Biology and Genetics, Palacky University in Olomouc, Slechtitelu 11, 78371 Olomouc-Holice, Czech Republic, and Department of Botany and Plant Physiology, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, Zemedelska 1, 61300 Brno, Czech Republic (A.W.)

Received August 28, 2009; Accepted November 22, 2009; Published online: December 15, 2009
DOI: 10.1007/s11103-009-9583-x

Lepidium sativum biomechanics FR1 FR14

Figure 2. 
Lepidium sativum ('garden cress') as a model species for seed biology research.

(A) Mechanistic model for the control of germination and dormancy by opposing forces, the embryo growth potential and the restraint by the covering layers (micropylar endosperm and testa).

(B,C) Comparative puncture-force analysis of restraint weakening and the effect of 10 µM ABA (abscisic acid) in the two L. sativum cultivars FR1 and FR14.

(B) The combined puncture force of the testa plus the micropylar endosperm (cap) during early imbibition is ca. 2-fold higher in FR14 compared to FR1 and is not affected by ABA during the initial 3h. Separate puncture-force analysis of the two tissues is technically not possible at these early time points.

(C) Puncture-force analysis of endosperm cap weakening and the effect of ABA in FR1 and FR14. Endosperm cap resistance is ca. 2-fold higher in FR14 compared to FR1, but the relative changes (numbers above columns) and the inhibition of cap weakening by ABA are similar in both cultivars. Mean values ± SE of at least 50 puncture force measurements are presented.

Article in PDF format (872 KB)
Abstract of PMB 2009  
Fig. 1          
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Fig. 2          
Fig. 5
Fig. 3          
Fig. 6
Table 1    
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