Molecular and General Genetics 256: 661-673
Transcripts at the mating type locus of Cochliobolus heterostrophus
Gerhard Leubner-Metzger, Benjamin A. Horwitz, Olen C. Yoder, B.
Gillian Turgeon
Fig. 3A-C RNA blot analysis showing that transcription of the MAT genes is regulated by the composition of the culture medium.
Poly(A)+ RNAs from strain C5 (MAT-1; lanes 1) or C4 (MAT-2; lanes 2) grown in either MM or CM were probed with
(A) MAT-1 specific probe #3 (Fig. 1),
(B) MAT-2 specific probe #2 (Fig. 1) or
(C) the constitutively expressed GPD1 gene (which controls for amounts of RNA loaded).
Neither the MAT-1 nor the MAT-2 transcript was detectable when cultures were grown in CM. |

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