Plant and Cell Physiology 47: 864-877 (2006)
Endosperm-limited Brassicaceae seed germination: Abscisic acid inhibits embryo-induced endosperm weakening of Lepidium sativum (cress) and endosperm rupture of cress and Arabidopsis thaliana
Kerstin Müller, Stefanie Tintelnot, Gerhard Leubner-Metzger
Institut für Biologie II (Botanik/Pflanzenphysiologie), Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg,
Schänzlestr. 1, D-79104 Freiburg i. Br., Germany, Web: 'The Seed Biology Place'
Received April 3, 2006; accepted May 3, 2006

Figure 7. Direct measurement of Lepidium sativum endosperm weakening of isolated micropylar caps by the puncture force method. (A) Embryos were removed from whole seeds imbibed for 2 h and 5 h, respectively. The dissected micropylar seed halves were incubated until 18 h (i.e. for 16 h or 13 h starting from the 2 h or 5 h time point, respectively) in fresh medium without (control; CON) or with 10 µM ABA or 10 µM GA4+7 added. Note that the puncture force of endosperm plus testa was measured when 2 h- or 5 h-caps were used. (B) Embryos were removed from whole seeds imbibed for 8 h, and the dissected micropylar seed halves were incubated until 18 h or 24 h (i.e. for 10 h or 16 h, respectively, starting from the 8 h time point) in fresh medium without (control; CON) or with 10 µM ABA, 10 µM GA4+7 or 100 µM flurprimidol (FLU; GA biosynthesis inhibitor) added. Note that the puncture force of endosperm was measured since 8 h-caps from seeds after testa rupture were used. For direct comparison puncture force values from seeds without embryo removed are given. Imbibition and incubation was in continuous light at 18 ºC. Mean values ± SE of at least 40 endosperm caps are presented.

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