Plant Molecular Biology 51: 597-605 (2003)
Ozone-induced gene expression occurs via ethylene-dependent and -independent
Grimmig B (1,5), Gonzalez-Perez M N (1,2),
Leubner-Metzger G (3,6), Vögeli-Lange R (3,7), Meins F (3), Hain R
(4), Penuelas J (2), Heidenreich B (1), Langebartels C (1), Ernst D (1),
Sanderman H Jr (1)
Table 1. Characterization of regulatory elements in the basic-type pathogenesis-related protein gene (PRB-1b) (Sessa et al., 1995) and class I β-1,3-glucanase gene (Gln2) (Ohme-Tagaki and Shinshi, 1995) promoter involved in O3 regulation.

GCC (-213): minimal ethylene-inducible PRB-1b promoter; GCC (Gm1) : mutation in the G box; GCC (Gm2): mutation in the GCC box; GCC (-67): ethylene-inactive deletion construct, containing the TATA box. (GCC)2: ethylene-inducible tandem orientated GCC fragments of the Gln2 gene; (mGCC)2: a single 2 bp substitution in the tandem GCC fragments. The GCC boxes and G box are underlaid. Base pair substitutions are indicated in bold. O3 exposure was for 8 h with 300 nl/l. Samples for GUS activity measurements were removed 24 h after onset of fumigation. Several independent transformed lines were tested.
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