Seed Science Research 13: 139-153 (2003)
Distinct expression patterns of ß-1,3-glucanases and
chitinases during the germination of Solanaceous seeds
Luciana Petruzzelli, Kerstin Müller, Katrin Hermann, Gerhard
Figure 1. Hormone-regulated accumulation of tobacco class-I ß-1,3-glucanase (ßGlu I)-related mRNAs and antigens during the germination of Cestroideae-type Solanaceae seeds.
(A) RNA-blot hybridization of total RNA (25 μg/lane) prepared from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia seeds imbibed in continuous light either in the absence (Control) or presence of 10 μM GA4 (GA); only GA-treated seeds germinate. The RNA-blot was hybridized with a cDNA probe for tobacco ßGlu I.
(B) Immunoblot analysis of N. plumbaginifolia seed extracts (80 μg protein/lane) probed with the rabbit anti-tobacco ßGlu I antibody. G = germinated seeds only; NG = ungerminated seeds only. ßGlu I = 10 ng of the authentic 33 kDa tobacco enzyme. No signals were obtained in control blots with rabbit anti-tobacco Chn I antibody or with rabbit pre-immune serum.
(C) Immunoblot analysis of Petunia hybrida seed extracts using the anti-tobacco ßGlu I antibody;
GA = 10 μM GA4; ABA = 10 μM ABA, End = endosperm, Emb = embryo;
analysis as described in (B) with the difference that 50 μg protein/lane (entire seeds) and 30 μg protein/lane (End, Emb) were applied.

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