Review in: Pathogenesis-related proteins
in plants (1999)
Datta SK, Muthukrishnan S (eds), CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Florida,
pp 49-76
Functions and regulation of plant ß-1,3-glucanases (PR-2)
Gerhard Leubner-Metzger and Frederick Meins, Jr.
Friedrich Miescher Institute, Maulbeerstr. 66, CH-4058 Basel, Switzerland
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Structural classes of ß-1,3-glucanases and PR-2 nomenclature
- Biological functions of ß-1,3-glucanases
- Plant reproductive biology
- Anther ß-1,3-glucanases
- Stylar ß-1,3-glucanases
- Endosperm ß-1,3-glucanases
- Pathogenesis-related functions
- In vitro antifungal activity
- Release of fungal elicitors
- Enhanced resistance to fungal pathogens resulting from transgene
- Decreased susceptibility to viral disease of ß-1,3-glucanase-
deficient plants
- Regulation of ß-1,3-glucanase expression
- Developmental and hormonal regulation
- Class I ß-1,3-glucanases
- Class II and class III ß-1,3-glucanases
- Pathogenesis-related regulation
- Cis-acting elements
- Class I ß-1,3-glucanase genes
- Class II ß-1,3-glucanase genes
- Signal transduction and trans-acting factors
- Concluding remarks
- References

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