Physiologia Plantarum 86: 495-501 (1992)
Hydroxycinnamoylputrescines are not causally involved in the tuberization
process in potato plants
Gerhard Leubner-Metzger and Nikolaus Amrhein
Institute of Plant Sciences, Plant Biochemistry and Physiology, Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology, Sonneggstr. 5, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Received: 28 July 1992
Abstract. The possible role of hydroxycinnamoylputrescines in the
tuberization process of potato plants was studied using in vitro tuberization
systems. Minitubers in shoot cultures of Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena
and S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum were obtained in vitro within
3 weeks of dark incubation after increasing the sucrose concentration in
the Murashige-Skoog medium (without hormones) from 60 to 240 mM, both in
the presence or absence of benzylaminopurine (BAP). Feruloylputrescine (FP)
and caffeoylputrescine (CP) increased with tuberization, with a sharp maximum
at day 9 in the shoot, but only when the medium contained BAP. When inhibitors
of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and of polyamine biosynthesis were
added to the medium containing BAP, the levels of FP and CP were reduced
to values lower than those observed in the absence of BAP, but there was
no significant effect on the number and dry weight of tubers formed. Addition
of BAP without increasing the sucrose content also resulted in CP and FP
accumulation, but failed to induce tuberization of the cultures. Experiments
with in vitro stolon cultures and leaf cuttings also supported the conclusion
that CP and FP accumulated as a response to the application of BAP, without
having any effect on optimal tuberization. These results indicate that the
increase of hydroxycinnamoylputrescines during tuber formation is unlikely
to be causally involved in the tuberization process in potato plants.
Key words: Benzylaminopurine, Caffeoylputrescine, Feruloylputrescine,
Hydroxycinnamic acid amides, In vitro minitubers, Polyamines, Potato, Solanaceae,

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