Phytochemistry 32: 551-556 (1993)
The distribution of hydroxycinnamoylputrescines in different organs
of Solanum tuberosum and other Solanaceous species
Gerhard Leubner-Metzger and Nikolaus Amrhein
Institute of Plant Sciences, Plant Biochemistry and Physiology, Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology, Sonneggstr. 5, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Received: 25 June 1992
Abstract. The distribution of hydroxycinnamoylputrescines
in different organs and developmental stages of seven Solanaceous species
was compared. In flowers of Nicotiana tabacum and Lycopersicon
esculentum, caffeoylputrescine accumulates in the pistils, whereas in
Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Capsicum annuum it accumulates
in the stamens. The accumulation of hydroxycinnamoylputrescines in floral
parts is, however, not a general feature of the family Solanaceae, as in
potato and Solanum nigrum levels of these compounds remain low in all organs
at all stages of development of the plants. In the underground shoot of
field grown plants of Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum neither caffeoylputrescine,
nor feruloylputrescine, pcoumaroylputrescine or diferuloylputrescine were
found to accumulate during tuber development. These results indicate that
hydroxycinnamoylputrescines are not likely to be causally involved in the
tuberization process of potato plants and in the flowering process of Solanaceae
Key Words: Solanum tuberosum, Potato, Tuberization, Solanaceae,
Flowering, Hydroxycinnamoylputrescines, Polyamine conjugates, Polyamines.

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